Free shipping to continental US addresses for orders over $100! Some restrictions apply.
Shop our sale items!
After adding items to your shopping cart, click the “checkout” button on the shopping cart page and follow the instructions on your screen. If you prefer not to use the website to place your order, you can use the site as a catalog, locate the items you wish to order, and then telephone our office to place your order.
Our web site calculates postage based on the total weight of the items and the delivery address. Please add your selections to the shopping cart and type in your shipping address. You will see the postage amount before payment information is required. Yes, we ship outside the US.
When ordering for shipment to an international address, please be aware that the recipient country may charge additional duties, taxes or custom fees. The Reader's Catalog has no control over these fees, nor do we know if or when they will occur. The customer is responsible for any additional fees the recipient country's postal system may charge.
We do not produce a printed catalog of our products. Please use this website to browse our items.
Your order is safe with us. Our website is built on the Shopify e-commerce platform which is dedicated to the highest level of security in transactions possible. You can read more about their compliance with industry security standards here. If you prefer not to use a credit card to place your order, you can use this site as a catalog, locate the items you wish to order, and then telephone or fax our office to place your order.
We accept all major credit cards. Please contact us if your card is being declined.
Use the gift recipient’s name and address on the first page of the checkout process, under the Shipping Address section. On the second page of the checkout process, under Payment Method in the Billing Address section click the circle next to “Use a different billing address” and fill out your billing information. We can only handle one gift shipping address per order.
We accept returns within 90 days of purchasing. Please contact our Customer Service department at or call 646-215-2500 for instructions. If you purchased the item from another online retailer, please contact them for help.
If you still require more assistance, please contact our Customer Service department at or call 646-215-2500.